Thursday, June 24, 2010

Little Ellie...

This little 8 year old girl Ellie died of cancer this week. She was a beautiful twin. more photos
As I read her story, I felt my heart pour out for Ellie and her family. Tears streaming down my face as I read how strong her mom was during this time. How courageous this little girl was as well. I was not able to move really... and could not stop reading till I read her entire journal of Ellie's last days. My heart goes out to the family and I pray GOD comforts this family and keeps them strong through this time. Her funereal is this Saturday.
Click here for HER STORY

Christmas 2007 photo. Little did we know our Ellie had cancer. Grace, Tim, Amy and Ellie

1 comment:

  1. God, don't even get me started on Caringbridge sites. I have about 10 kids I am "watching". One just passed 30 days ago, one is literally trying to hold on to a few more days, others are already gone...I only have a few that have really come back to life.

    Hardest thing ever to read. I was introduced to CB through a friend whose little cousin passed from Leukemia.

    Hardest thing ever...can't even begin to imagine being an actual part of these families and living it daily.
