Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The B-I-B-L-E Study

Well with all the weather we have been planning to have Bible Study at our house for 2 weeks now. Luckily we were able to have it this week. One more day.. and we would have had to cancel AGAIN! :(

My motto is "FOOD BRINGS COMFORT". I want people to feel comfortable at my house so I break out the baking tools. It really gives me an excuse to bake chocolate and drink root beer. HA HA

These are from my new BABY CAKES machine I got from my sister, brother-n-law and niece & nephew for Christmas! They know me so well... Anything pink that bakes is my kind of thing! HA

There's 13 of us now... so we have to be creative to make room and find chairs! HAHA But I love to decorate and organize so it was no problem!

As you can tell there are no people in these pictures?? well It's because I got so excited when they all arrived I FORGOT to take any pictures. HAHAH I only took BEFORE SHOTS! pshh.. silly me! So you will see family photos following this picture!

Meet the Pignone's

Meet the Kautzch's - AMY (She is our leader)

Meet the Milogradov's

Meet the Well's - She won't send me a picture! :) HAHAH

Meet the Fitzgerald's or not - They wont send me a picture either! :(


  1. Your table looks so great!!

    Michelle Bailey!

  2. Thanks girl! :) The food helps it a lot! HA HA

  3. Love it and we love you guys!! Thanks for all the goodies! It is always fun when Bible Study is at your house :)
